O, Pundit, Scholar, Nationalist, Jingoist, Ideologue
O, Pundit, Scholar, Nationalist, Jingoist, Ideologue I eat my food with my left hand. I clean my shirt with my right hand. I use my left hand to write my papers. I use my right hand for cleaning. There are no pure and impure organs in my body. There are no sacred and non-sacred body parts. There are no dirty or non-dirty human organs. There are no useful and non-useful body parts. There is no clean and unclean human body. There are no superior and inferior human organs. I can transform from a male to a female. From female to male: I can have sexual relations with the same sex. I can change my sexual organs. Every human organ is productive. My organs are productive. They are equal. They are egalitarian. Just like humans in the West, Just like humans in Africa. Unlike humans in Islamic societies, Unlike the humans in your Hindu societies, Unlike the humans in your Buddhist societies, Unlike humans in your Sikh society, however, Unli...