
#BairiNareshMustBeReleasedNOW #EveryHinduMustBePunishedLegallyNOW

  Hindus made us untouchables, unseeables, unapproachables, unshadowbles, unspeakables, uncrossables, walking carrions, sub-humans, walking corpses, and faced unbearable untouchability, excommunication, isolation, lynching, killing, raping, social boycotting, banning us from drinking water, sitting, speaking, walking, wearing foot-wear, and so on for 6000 years. Every Hindu is a criminal for making me untouchable in India. Every Hindu criminal united to kill human rights defender Cum Untouchable/Dalit Bairi Naresh for criticizing Hindu gods in the name of hurting feelings and sentiments. How does the International Criminal Court punish every Hindu who made my forefathers and mothers untouchables in India for 6,000 years? If you arrest Bairi Naresh for criticizing Hindu religion, then how much legal punishment should Hindus face for making me untouchable until today in India? Every Hindu is a criminal and a terrorist across time and space. # BairiNareshMustBeReleasedNOW # Ever...