Regarding Kathi Mahesh's Death
Dear Highly Respected Scholars and Brilliant Brains of India,
I would like to share my views on the recent death of Kathi Mahesh, a film critic, linguist, scholar, democrat, anti-Hindutva writer and speaker, poet, human rights activist, and truth-seeker from Telangana, India.
He died on July 10, 2021, in a road accident. But it does not seem like a road accident. It appears that it was cold-bloodedly murdered by powerful Telugu film actors.
Mr. Kathi Mahesh was known for his scathing attacks on Hindutva ideology and its forces, even in the Telugu film industry. He has many enemies since he is a great scholar, thinker, philosopher, critic, democrat, human rights activist, writer, speaker, and public figure in south India.
He is a prolific writer and speaker on democracy, secularism, sovereignty, and constitutional morality. He received many death threats from powerful Telugu actors and politicians, particularly Pawan Kalyan, his brothers, his fans, and the Kapu caste.
For a long time, Mahesh has been a target of Pawan Kalyan and his Kapu caste because he speaks out against deep-rooted Hindutva violence, corruption, and sexual exploitation in the South Indian film industry.
You can watch his TV interviews about democracy, secularism, religious fanaticism, human rights, jingoism, constitutional morality, etc. He is a great scholar and activist. He is, in simple terms or Gramscian terms, an organic intellectual.
The powerful tried to fabricate his murder into a road accident. However, I feel with many that he was murdered by fans of Telugu cinema actors, including the Apollo hospital, which was involved in his murder. He is 44 years old.
Today, it was Mr. Kathi Mahesh for speaking the truth, and tomorrow, it could be one of us or you for your brilliant work in the theory of democracy, human rights, secularism, formal equality, and so on.
Hence, I would like to ask you all to express your support for Kathi Mahesh and to press the Judiciary to investigate this murder. Mahesh Kathi is not just an ordinary person but a brilliant brain, one of a billion.
I hope you will voice support for Kathi Mahesh. Progressive Knowledge lost a brilliant brain in the hands of powerful Telugu cinema actors. He is a prolific writer and speaker in at least a dozen languages. He is a prolific narrator and writer in English.
Kindly watch this last interview with Kathi Mahesh at
Attached email CC to
1. Professor Gopal Guru
2. Professor Romila Thapar
3. Professor Aloysious
4. Professor Anand Teltumbde
5. Scholars of CSDS, New Delhi
6. Scholars of CSSS, Calcutta
7. EPW
8. Supreme Court of India
9. The Hindu Newspaper
10. The Indian Express
11. Washington Post
12. Newyork Times
13. BBC
14. CNN
15. Aljazeera
16. The Wire
17. The Caravan
Thank you
Kind Regards
Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla B.A.,M.A.,M.Phil.,Ph.D(
Author of "Why I Am Not Indian: The Untouchable Rejecting India's Citizenship"
Why I Am Not Indian: The Untouchable Rejecting India’s Citizenship (English Edition)
Blog: TIGRAY GENOCIDE IN ETHIOPIA (dejazamtchnegussebezabih.
Twitter: Dr Suryaraju Mattimalla (@DrMattimalla) / Twitter,
Facebook: Surya Raju Mattimalla | Facebook
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