The grand theory of Love

Grand theories emerged from love.

Theories emerged from exploitation.

Grand theories have emotions.

Theories have no emotion.

Love is priceless.

Theories have status.

Grand theories have no status.

Love is a grand theory.

Mask Theory has no love.

Grand theories have grand justice.

Theories have grand skins and grand masks.

Theory without love is wolf nature.

The grand theory is that mother’s nature

I identified grand theories of love.

I identified great masks of theories.

Love, emotion, and experience are grand theories.

Hate, mask, skin, and wolf are theories of the twice-born.


Grand theories emerged out of love, emotion, and experience, whereas social theories emerged out of social corruption. The grand theory is John Rawls's theory of justice, whereas the eastern theory is based on Eastern philosophies. None of the Eastern philosophies have produced grand theories of love, experience, and emotion but hate, wolf nature, violence, persecution, segregation, etc. Eastern theory is a byproduct of negative human values, whereas the grand theories of the West are positive human values. The East is the foundation of hate, whereas the West is the foundation of love, emotion, and experience. East has brown skin and a white mask, whereas West has white skin and a white mask. Humans are not equal in the East, whereas they are equal in the West. The East has no place for love, whereas the West is full of it. It is my personal experience with Western love and Eastern hate across time and space. Asian theories are wolf theories, whereas African theories and Western theories are full of love. Love produces human equality, whereas hate produces a human separation and social inequalities.


Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla

Author of the globally acclaimed "Compatibility of the Death Penalty with the Purpose of Criminal Punishment in Ethiopia".

Author of "Why I Am Not Indian: The Untouchable Rejecting India's Citizenship"



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