Dear Anti-Terrorist activists,


Dear Anti-Terrorist activists,

My son’s buggy was deliberately stolen and thrown away from the kindergarten room by Muslim women who are part of a rape conspiracy case against me. She cleans the kindergarten room. There were 8 to 10 people in the rape conspiracy case against me. We informed the camp managers and social workers about it but futile. We are so scared of Muslims in my camp after the brutal attack on me, both physically and verbally. They are deliberately smoking in the kitchen, and my neighbor is continuing to smoke a huge amount from his room inside my room. His door is 24 hours open, and my door is 24 hours closed. He and other Muslim women are deliberately provoking me by stealing my baby’s buggy and smoking in the kitchen and in my neighbor's room number 15. We are scared of both German camp managers and Muslims since they support each other. Now we can’t even go to bring drinking water from the kitchen since they are celebrating Hamas attacks on Jewish people in Israel. We are so scared of our situation in my camp. I understand that Germany is not a safe country for any non-Muslim community. Last time, I informed the police about the physical and verbal attacks of Muslims on me in front of German camp managers, but the police informed me that it is the duty of camp managers to implement the rules of the house. But it is unfortunate that German camp managers strongly support violence and breaking rules. My life is in danger since Muslims are celebrating carnage, massacre, and brutality against the Jewish community, and they are also looking at me very differently. I am scared for my life since Muslims and German camp managers are brothers and sisters in arms. As you know, my second son Stanford was killed by a German gynecologist and her Arab nurses with a vaccination on July 4. We don’t have any cameras to show any evidence of violence in the camp. It is another deliberate act by German camp managers to stop cameras. It is a sign of supporting violence, crimes, and lies. My life is not safe in front of any Muslim since Muslims are hailing “Gas the Jews” everywhere in Europe, the UK, the US, Australia, New Zealand, and Germany. I am so scared for my life. I want to relocate to any place in Germany where there are no Muslim residents. Smoking and drinking beer are very common in the kitchen, even after the police warned because camp managers are openly supporting them. I never thought Germany supported this kind of violence and breaking the law and the rules of the house. Indeed, German camp managers are victimizing victims if we speak the truth. It is my present condition in my present asylum camp.

My neighbor is releasing a huge amount of smoke. As you might be aware, passive smoking kills, but we are not getting any help from camp managers or other employees to stop this active smoking and release huge amounts of smoke. If I open my door, then a huge amount of smoke is taking my and my son’s breath and forcing us to accept these health problems. They are openly smoking in the kitchen and drinking alcohol. What is the use of having house rules when camp managers can’t implement them? They are actually victimizing victims. It seems it is the policy of the German State to victimize non-Islamic and non-German black Christian and South Asian communities. I am a law-abiding Indian citizen, but unfortunately, German asylum camp managers are victimizing me since I am not a Muslim. There is open discrimination against non-Muslims in every asylum camp by both German camp managers and their Muslim allies. I have seen many Hamas flags in my previous asylum camps in Germany, but I can’t hold a star because Star is hurting both German asylum camp managers and their Islamic allies. Another thing is that religion is private and personal, but Muslim security personnel in every asylum camp in Germany put the loudspeakers on “Alla Ho Akbar" the whole night. When I read the house rules of asylum camps, it said nobody should disturb inmates between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m., but every Muslim security put his Islamic religious songs throughout the night until the next day, just like my neighbor. It is an everyday dose of spreading Islamic ideology, disturbing non-Muslims, and breaking the law. Both German camp managers and Muslim refugees lie very easily to escape the law. This is what I observed and experienced in Germany and the Czech Republic. How can anyone live among these people? How German camp managers are lying about all these things done by Islamists? German camp managers lie about many things such as saying Muslims are peaceful, good, nonviolent, democrats, etc. in order to support their Islamists. Muslim children are not allowing my son to play even on the ground because the ground is occupied by them. I am so disturbed by seeing all these and being supported by German camp managers and other so-called human rights bodies. I am so scared now after watching “Gas the Jews” videos and personal chats from across the West and Europe including German asylum camps, but nobody is taking any action against them, even here in German asylum camps. We want safety. I want to fight German asylum camp managers in the judiciary for discriminating against non-Muslims, encouraging violence and lies, and victimizing victims like me when we speak the truth. The truth should not be eliminated just because the truth is a minority and the lie is a majority.

Sir, I want to file a case against German asylum camps for discrimination, allowing racism, violence, lies, corruption, and crimes against minorities like me. There is huge corruption and professionally unethical behavior by Muslim employees and security. It is all happening with the solid-rock support of German camp managers against minorities such as the black Christian community, the South Asian community, Gypsies, Romas, etc.

Finally, we are physically and psychologically harassed, humiliated, and abused with the solid-rock support of German camp managers and their allies.

Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla


Author of the globally acclaimed "Compatibility of the Death Penalty with the Purpose of Criminal Punishment in Ethiopia"

Author: Why I Am Not Indian: The Untouchable Rejecting India's Citizenship

Author: An Intellectual History of Anti-Caste Philosophers in India: A Study on Dr.B.R.Ambedkar


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